Sung-Ki Kim
Title of the piece <외줄타기 Tightrope walk for Violin solo>
Mr. Kim received his B.M and M.M degrees from the College of Music, Seoul National University with professor Sung-Jae Lee. After completion of the degree, he studied composition with J. Casterede of the École Normale de Musique de Paris(Diplôme Supérieur de Composition) with a scholarship from the French government, and studied fugue with M. Bitsch of the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris(Premier Prix de Fugue). Currently he is a professor at the Korea National University of Arts in Seoul, Korea.

Shinuh Lee
Title of the piece <Psalm of nature for solo violin>
Shinuh Lee’s career as a composer started when her trio 《Space》 was selected at the ISCM World Music Days 1991 in Zurich. Lee studied composition with Sukhi Kang at Seoul National University and later with Michael Finnissy at the Royal Academy of Music in London. 《Analogy》 for Oboe and Ensemble written in her first year at the R.A.M. won the Royal Philharmonic Society Prize for Composers 1992, and her other works were also selected in Musical Times Composers’ Competition, Cornelius Cardew Composition Prize and Gaudeamus International Composers’ Competition consecutively and became known to Britain and Europe. She obtained Dip. R.A.M. from Royal Academy of Music, and M.Mus and D.Phil from University of London and Sussex University respectively. She was appointed as a Professor in composition at College of Music, Seoul National University and has taught composition and music analysis. She has worked as a music director to Studio 2021 since 2003.